
PD Seminar: Productivity Commission - Modelling working from home

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The COVID-19 pandemic forced many employees and firms to experiment with working from home. This demonstrated that many jobs can done effectively from home and that the number of people working from home will likely remain high relative to pre-pandemic levels.  As part of the Productivity Commission’s Working from Home report, a simple model of working from home was developed to better understand how it might affect the Australian economy. Dr Mabel Andalón and Dr Matthew Jones will present an overview of the model and the implications drawn from it. 

About our Speakers

Mabel is a Senior Researcher and Data Analyst at the Productivity Commission. She has a lifelong passion for improving individual wellbeing, particularly for people in disadvantage. She has extensive experience in health, labour and development economics research, as well as advisory and consultancy roles in government, international organisation, and academic settings. She holds a PhD in Policy Analysis and Management and a Master’s Degree in Economics from Cornell University. 

Matthew is a Research Economist at the Productivity Commission having recently come from the University of Melbourne where he was a Lecturer in Public Policy. Matthew’s background is in applied microeconomics, political and public economics, and wellbeing. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Melbourne and a Masters of International and Development Economics from the Australian National University.

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