
Conference Papers

The first Australian Conference of Economists (ACE) was held in May 1970 in Melbourne, Victoria. The conference has since become an annual event. Responsibility for hosting the conference rotates between the various State Branches, while Central Council provides both continuity and support.

ACE is the leading conference for economists in Australia. Each year it attracts both academic and business economists. It features both regional and international speakers.

Click on the relevant conference for access to papers presented:

ACE2021 - Perth, WA

ACE2019 - Melbourne, VIC

ACE2018 - Canberra, ACT

ACE2017 - Sydney, NSW 

ACE2016 - Adelaide, SA

ACE2015 - Brisbane, QLD

ACE2014 - Hobart, TAS

ACE2013 - Perth, WA

ACE2010 - Sydney, NSW

ACE2008 - Gold Coast, QLD

ACE2007 - Hobart, TAS

ACE2006 - Perth, WA (papers not available)

ACE2005 - Melbourne, VIC

ACE2004 - Sydney, NSW (papers not available)

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map Queensland New South Wales Australian Capital Territory Victoria Tasmania South Australia Western Australia