Past Events

Lawn Bowls 2024
Event Type: ESA Event
Date: Thursday Mar 28, 2024, 5:45 pm
This social event promises to be a fantastic opportunity to showcase your lawn bowling skills, mingle with fellow economists, and enjoy a delightful afternoon in good company.
How to become a YP member: Signup for YP.pdf
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The Inequality Revolution In Macroeconomics
Event Type: ESA Event
Date: Tuesday Mar 26, 2024, 5:30 pm
Join us as Professor Wendy Carlin FBA, in association with La Trobe University, speaks on the inequality revolution in macroeconomics: business cycles, inflation and instability.
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A day in the life of an Economist: early-career information session
Event Type: ESA Event
Date: Monday Mar 25, 2024, 1:00 pm
Join ACT WEN at ANU on 25 March at 1pm (also online) for a discussion with Maddie Sutch (Treasury), Ro McCrossin (DFAT), Molly Chapman (Deloitte) and Cate Everitt (Productivity Commission) sharing their reflections on life as an economist. We will be joined by the fabulous Linda Ward (Chief People Officer, DCCEEW), sharing her insights on what agencies are looking for in strong graduate applications.
Remember to let us know how you plan to attend by selecting from the drop-down box when registering.
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Mariana Mazzucato - The Mission-Led Australia Tour - Melbourne Lecture
Event Type: Wide/Public Interest
Date: Thursday Mar 14, 2024, 7:00 pm
Professor Mazzucato, who has gained global prominence through books like The Entrepreneurial State, Mission Economy and – most recently – The Big Con, will provide an address on industrial development and innovation in a less secure, more geopolitically fraught, post-Covid global environment.
An Evening with an Eminent Economist: Emeritus Professor Ian Harper, AO
Event Type: ESA Event
Date: Wednesday Mar 13, 2024, 5:30 pm
Come listen to Emeritus Professor Ian Harper, AO talk over his career as one of Australia's most renowned public policy economists and recently retired Dean of Melbourne Business School after a successful five-year term.
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Melbourne Launch of "The Shortest History of Economics"
Event Type: Wide/Public Interest
Date: Tuesday Mar 5, 2024, 1:00 pm
From ancient times to the modern world, The Shortest History of Economics unearths the hidden economic forces behind war, innovation and social transformation. Join us for the Sydney launch of "The Shortest History of Economics" at the University of Melbourne on 5 March 2024.
Navigating the new era of globalisation: Lessons from the past?
Event Type: Partner Event
Date: Wednesday Feb 28, 2024, 5:00 pm
An invitation to join us for the 2024 Richard Snape lecture - Navigating the new era of globalisation: Lessons from the past?
Douglas A. Irwin, John French Professor of Economics, Dartmouth College
Marginal Mingle
Event Type: ESA Event
Date: Thursday Feb 22, 2024, 5:30 pm
Join us for after-work drinks at the Kelvin Club. It's the perfect opportunity to relax, mingle with fellow young professionals, and expand your professional circle.
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68th Annual Conference of AARES
Event Type: Partner Event
Date: Tuesday Feb 6, 2024, 12:00 am
The 68th Annual Conference of AARES will be held in Canberra, Australia from 6 to 9 February 2024.
The AARES 2024 Annual Conference will explore the grand challenges that are facing the Australasian region and beyond, such as biosecurity, climate change, environmental degradation, energy system transitions, and food security. The conference will provide a forum for our Society to explore new opportunities for research and development, and policy practice that can address these grand challenges in securing efficient, effective, and equitable outcomes. Distinguished researchers and professionals will present keynote presentations to inspire and stimulate discussion.
Australian Gender Economics Workshop 2024
Event Type: ESA Event
Date: Thursday Feb 1, 2024, 9:00 am
The 7th annual Australian Gender Economics Workshop (AGEW2024), hosted by the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) will be held in person at the UTS campus, on the 1 – 2 February 2024. Registration will open later in the month.. For more information please visit:
Registration must close 24 January.
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Policy Priorities to Reach Net Zero - ONLINE ONLY
Event Type: ESA Event
Date: Monday Jan 29, 2024, 12:00 pm
There is concern that Australia may not reach its net-zero goals, due to challenges in energy generation, transmission and storage, and the uneven decarbonisation of different sectors of the economy.
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Tis the Season: The Economics of Hope - ONLINE ONLY
Event Type: ESA Event
Date: Monday Dec 18, 2023, 5:00 pm
An End of Year Webinar from the National Committee of the Women in Economics Network
In a year that has seemed too often to be void of hope, end your year with some fresh perspectives on the importance of hope through the ages and what it means in modern economic thought.
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End of Year Event and AGM 2023
Event Type: ESA Event
Date: Tuesday Dec 12, 2023, 6:00 pm
The Economic Society is looking forward to getting together in person, and promoting connection among our members and those interested in contemporary economic issues and debate.
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Expertise, Artificial Intelligence, and the Work of the Future - ONLINE ONLY
Event Type: ESA Event
Date: Wednesday Dec 6, 2023, 12:00 pm
The ESA Central Council is delighted to announce that Professor David Autor, MIT will be joining us for what promises to be an interesting and insightful webinar. You are invited to join the discussion.
Will recent advances in AI complement human expertise, thereby increasing its value? Or will AI render expertise increasingly unnecessary, thus reducing its market value -- even if jobs are not in net eliminated?
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Inflation, productivity and wages: what is the link? - ONLINE ONLY
Event Type: ESA Event
Date: Wednesday Nov 29, 2023, 5:30 pm
The Reserve Bank of Australia has made a number of statements about productivity in discussing monetary policy decisions. But is the role of productivity well understood?
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Using Longitudinal Data for Policy Analysis: An Overview and Examples - ONLINE ONLY
Event Type: ESA Event
Date: Friday Nov 17, 2023, 12:00 pm
This presentation will highlight the specificities of longitudinal (panel) data and review how such data can be used for uncovering causal relationships and performing policy analysis. General ideas will be illustrated with examples from education research, which studies the determinants of student achievement.
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Policy in the Pub - 5 million switchovers: Getting our Homes off Gas
Event Type: ESA Event
Date: Tuesday Nov 14, 2023, 5:30 pm
Join us for a discussion on gas in Australian homes – and how to transition off it. We will look at the role of household gas within the broader emissions story, what is involved with switching 5 million households to all-electric, and the thorny question of what happens to the gas network.
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Movie Night 2023
Event Type: ESA Event
Date: Thursday Nov 9, 2023, 7:00 pm
Join us for our final event of the year for the Economic Society Victoria's Young Professionals Network, with a private screening of "The Big Short" (Adam McKay 2015) at Kino Cinemas.
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Policy in the Pub: How to encourage girls in STEM and reduce the gender pay gap?
Event Type: ESA Event
Date: Wednesday Nov 8, 2023, 5:30 pm
Join us for a discussion on recent research on how to change the gender occupational sorting in STEM and the gender pay gap by affecting students’ school environment and teacher attitudes.
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The Rise of the Chinese Communist Party
Event Type: Wide/Public Interest
Date: Wednesday Nov 8, 2023, 5:30 pm
Professor Kung will examine the historical rise of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) from a small reading group that aimed to spread Marxism among students and industrial workers to the world’s second largest political party that increasingly challenges the established hegemonic order.
Tax reform in Australia: an impossible dream?
Event Type: Wide/Public Interest
Date: Tuesday Oct 31, 2023, 5:30 pm
Many spruik the benefits of tax reform for productivity, budget sustainability and fairness but governments have long been shy of pursing major tax changes. Danielle Wood, CEO of the Grattan Institute, will explore the major blockers to reform and chart a way forward.
Policy at the Pub: The state of the labour market in Australia
Event Type: ESA Event
Date: Wednesday Oct 25, 2023, 5:30 pm
Join us for a panel discussion taking a holistic look at the application of labour economics and labour laws in Australia. Dr Jaai Parasnis will explore gender gaps in skills formation and labour markets, Tyler Reysenbach will speak about the rife exploitation of workers and changes needed to the enforcement of labour laws, and Jennifer Jones will provide an insight into the WEstjustice Employment and Equality Law Program and the key issues and challenges her team’s clients are facing.
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Intergenerational Report 2023 – Australia’s future to 2063
Event Type: ESA Event
Date: Friday Oct 13, 2023, 12:30 pm
Join us for a discussion on the Intergenerational Report, looking forward to Australia's next 40 years.
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WEN professional development workshop: Communicating economics - ONLINE ONLY
Event Type: ESA Event
Date: Monday Oct 9, 2023, 12:00 pm
Do you wish you had more opportunities to share your ideas about economics? Is there research you’ve done, a blog you’re about to write, or just a general observation about the world that could be promoted and shared to a public audience or via social media?
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Panel Discussion: Gas Price Caps - ONLINE ONLY
Event Type: ESA Event
Date: Thursday Oct 5, 2023, 5:30 pm
Gas Price Caps: Are they meeting their short-term goal of reducing gas prices? Are they hindering longer-term goals such as achieving net zero?
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