

Population Analysis During the Pandemic - ONLINE ONLY


From: Wednesday April 28, 2021, 12:30 pm

To: Wednesday April 28, 2021, 1:30 pm

Population Analysis During the Pandemic

The Economic Society of Australia, Victoria Branch, invites you to the first Professional Development event for 2021 with David Sykes from the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning and Daniel Booth from the City of Melbourne. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live and work, as well as impacting broader population dynamics such as internal and international migration.  This has presented challenges to population research and forecasts. David and Daniel will highlight how researchers have addressed these challenges and the implications for policy and decision-makers.

David Skyes is the Principal Demographer for the Victorian State Government. His team produces the Victoria in Future population projections used across government and beyond. David has a background in urban planning and transport modelling and has been applying his skills to demography and population forecasting for 15 years.

Daniel Booth is the City Analytics Lead for the City of Melbourne. His team produces analysis for the City of Melbourne on a wide range of topics, from Urban Economics to Pedestrian Activity. All to help the organisation make data driven decisions. Daniel’s background is urban and property economics and he holds a Bachelors and Masters degree in Economics from the University of Melbourne.

Registration and Joining this Webinar

To register please book online below. The link to join this webinar will be included in your auto-generated invoice email - please look out for this and keep it safe until the webinar is due to be broadcast. Note, these emails sometimes get caught in spam folders. The timing of this event is AEST (Sydney/Canberra/Melbourne).




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