Economic Society of Australia (Victorian Branch) – Annual General Meeting 2020 - ONLINE ONLY
From: Wednesday November 25, 2020, 5:00 pm
To: Wednesday November 25, 2020, 6:30 pm
Economic Society of Australia (Victorian Branch) – Annual General Meeting
25 November 2020
The Annual General Meeting of the Victorian Branch of the Economic Society of Australia will be held at 5.00 pm on Wednesday, 25 November 2020 via zoom.
The Society’s Constitution requires that there be an election for the President, Secretary and Treasurer unless the positions are uncontested. Nominations are sought for all positions, including Council members. The Economic Society of Australia Young Professionals (ESAYP) and the Women in Economics Network (WEN) will also hold elections. Those interested in standing for one of these positions should email their nomination to the by COB Tuesday, 24 November 2020. Nominations should state the position, that you are a current financial member and be seconded by another financial member (CC or attached email will be accepted).
Example of nomination email
I [ name ] being a current member of the Economic Society of Australia (Victoria) nominate for the position of [ position ]. The nomination is seconded by [ name ] who is also a current member.
Afterwards there will be a presentation from Stephen Duckett and Anika Stobart from the Grattan Insitute on COVID in Victoria – the story, the lessons, the controversies.
- Report from the President
- Report from the Treasurer - Financial Statement 2020
- Reception and adoption of the Annual Accounts
- Report from President of the Economic Society of Australia Young Professionals
- Report from Chair of Women in Economics Network
- Elections
- An election shall be held to appoint a President, Secretary, Treasurer and at least two other members of the Society to form the Council for 2021
- An election shall be held to appoint a Chair, Secretary and Treasurer and Committee members of WEN for 2021
- An election shall be held to appoint Committee members of ESAYP for 2021
- Any other business legally brought before the meeting