

Policy in the Pub: The Australian Economic Outlook: Where to from here?


From: Wednesday September 20, 2017, 5:30 pm

To: Wednesday September 20, 2017, 6:30 pm

The Australian Economic Outlook: Where to from here?

This month’s talk is from Riki Polygenis, Head of Australian Economics at NAB, who will discuss NAB’s forecasts for the Australian economy and key issues and risks to the outlook.

About the speaker

As the Head of Australian Economics, Riki is responsible for formulating NAB's Australian economic forecasts, and leads a team who specialise in analysis of the Australian economy and commodities. Riki's team also puts together a range of surveys, including the well-respected NAB Business Surveys and the new NAB Cashless Retail Index. Riki presents to a wide range of internal and external client and stakeholders, providing guidance on the outlook and risks surrounding economic variables, and often represents NAB in the media. Riki joined NAB in mid-2015 after almost a decade at ANZ, most recently as Co-Head of Australian Economics. Riki started her career at the RBA, where she worked in various roles in the Economic Analysis Department. Riki holds a Bachelor of Economics with First Class Honours and a Bachelor of Commerce (Finance), both from Monash University. Riki is also a Victorian committee member of the newly formed Women in Economics network.

Event details 

The evening is being held at 5.30pm Wednesday 20 September 2017 at the Kelvin Club 14-30 Melbourne Place, just off Russell St. There will be drinks and nibbles from 5pm for those who can get there a bit earlier. 


Bookings are now closed


Kelvin Club

14-30 Melbourne Place, Melbourne VIC 3000

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