

Women in Economics Network: Achieving flexibility and gender diversity in the workplace


From: Monday August 21, 2017, 5:00 pm

To: Monday August 21, 2017, 7:30 pm

Achieving flexibility and gender diversity in the workplace

The Women in Economics Network (WEN) is hosting a panel discussion exploring how to achieve workplaces that support the health and wellbeing of workers and achieve greater gender diversity. This includes enabling both men and women to successfully balance work with other activities such as caring responsibilities, volunteering and living a full life. The focus of the discussion will be on identifying practical steps to implement progressive policies and cultural change in economics-focused organisations.

 The event will be moderated by Liz Day, McKinsey, in conversation with three expert panellists:

  • Angela MacRae, Commissioner, Productivity Commission
  • Adam Fennessy, Partner, EY (formerly Secretary of DELWLP);
  • Tim Orton, Managing Director, Nous Group.

Event details 

The event will be held at the Productivity Commission (530 Collins Street, Melbourne). Please arrive at 5:00pm for a 5:15pm start. Following the panel discussion there will be drinks and networking until 7:30pm. 


Monday 21 August 2017


Arrive from 5:00pm for 5.15pm commencement


Productivity Commission (530 Collins Street, Melbourne)

Please note that attendance is free but registration is required and numbers are limited. Both women and men are welcome to attend.


Bookings are now closed


Productivity Commission

530 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

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