

Policy in the Pub: Drought policy and how government has changed its approach


From: Wednesday March 15, 2017, 5:30 pm

To: Wednesday March 15, 2017, 6:30 pm

Drought policy and how government has changed its approach
This month’s talk is from Dr Julie Simons, DEDJTR, who will discuss how national and state drought policy has changed in recent years.

Drought has always been part of the Australian landscape, but there is evidence that the frequency and severity of drought will continue to increase.  Drought is viewed as a business risk that farmers need to plan and manage, but how should State and Commonwealth governments support farmers and their communities when the conditions are beyond what the sector can reasonably be expected to manage? 

About the speaker
Julie is an experienced representative of the Victorian Government and brings expertise in strategic policy formulation and implementation, industry research and development, and agricultural and rural stakeholder engagement.   Dr Julie Simons BSc (Hons), PhD, AICD

Julie has worked for the Victorian Government since 1988 in various roles including Senior Research Scientist and currently as Director of Drought Response and Major Projects in DEDJTR. She has led key rural industry achievements including the recovery response for farmers affected by drought and natural disasters, establishing the Victorian Government's Young Farmers Ministerial Advisory Council, and overseen the State government's partnership with the Rural Financial Counselling Service.

Julie is also a member of the Dairy Food Safety Victoria Board.

Event details
The evening is being held 5.30pm Wednesday 15 March 2017 at the Kelvin Club 14-30 Melbourne Place, just off Russell St. There will be drinks and nibbles from 5pm for those who can get there a bit earlier. 


Bookings are now closed


Kelvin Club

14-30 Melbourne Place, Melbourne VIC 3000

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