

Professor Jeffrey Lafrance: Management of publicly owned resources


From: Thursday March 31, 2016, 12:30 pm

To: Thursday March 31, 2016, 1:30 pm

Jeffrey T. LaFrance

Jeffrey LaFrance currently is a distinguished academic professor in the Department of Economics at Monash University. He also has served on the faulty at Washington State University, the University of California, University of Arizona, and Montana State University. His research interests include microeconomic theory, natural resources and the environment, dynamic economic systems, consumer and producer choice theory, and econometrics

He has degrees from Montana State University and the University of California at Berkeley.

Public Resource Management Mechanisms

Use of public natural resources for private gain is a longstanding, hotly contested political and economic issue throughout the world. Publicly owned natural resources generate social benefits beyond private commodity use – recreational, environmental, ecological, biological preservation/conservation, existence values, and aesthetics.

Professor LaFrance will discuss some theories of resource use and exploitation and how this relates to the management of natural resources.


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VCEC Boardroom

Level 37, 2 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

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