
ESA (Vic) 2015 Professional Development #9 Angelina Garces 'A local government rates capping and variation framework'


From: Thursday October 8, 2015, 12:30 pm

To: Thursday October 8, 2015, 1:30 pm

A local government rates capping and variation framework

In January 2015, the Essential Services Commission (the Commission) received terms of reference from the Minister for Finance (in consultation with the Minister for Local Government) to conduct a review and report on a local government rates capping and variation framework. The Commission was asked to design a framework that meets the Government’s commitment to cap annual council rate increases as well as to develop a workable process to assess any proposals by councils for above cap increases (a ‘variation process’). Angelina will provide an overview of the Commission's recommendations to Government, outlined in a report to be made publicly available in October 2015. In doing so, Angelina will outline the process and range of issues that the Commission considered in developing its final recommendations. Register here: Angelina Garces  Angelina Garces is Senior Regulatory Manager (Local Government) at the Essential Services Commission. Angelina has been at the Commission for 11 years, working in a range of economic regulation areas including water, transport, reviews and research, as well as local government. Prior to joining the Commission, Angelina worked at the Productivity Commission and the Department of Premier and Cabinet.


Victorian Competition & Efficiency Commission (VCEC) Offices (Level 37)

2 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne Victoria

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