
ESA (Vic) 2015 Professional Development Seminar #6 - Stojanka Andric 'Migration and House Prices: Evidence from Australia '


From: Friday July 3, 2015, 12:30 pm

To: Friday July 3, 2015, 1:30 pm

Migration and House Prices: Evidence from Australia

The topic How much do international migrants increase house prices? Are they to blame for the housing affordability crisis? What affects prices in the short and long run? Dr Stojanka Andric from Monash University will be answering these questions and more at the next ESA Professional Development seminar. She will present her research which examines the effects of international and interstate migration on house prices in Australian cities from 1971-2013. Come along for a lively discussion on one of the nation's most pertinent issues for the next generation. Register here:  The speaker Dr Stoja Andric is currently a Lecturer in the Department of Economics at Monash University. Her research areas are Applied Macroeconomics, Migration, Human Capital and Housing Markets. Currently she is investigating the rise in educational attainment since 1850, and the role migration has played in Australia's housing market.


Victorian Competition & Efficiency Commission (VCEC) Offices (Level 37)

2 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne Victoria

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